Tuesday, May 28, 2013

M.C. Escher Inspired Perspective Drawing

      In this picture, you can see my two point perspective drawing. The inspiration for this drawing came from a renown artist by the name of M. C. Escher. Escher is known for his mathematically inspired drawings and use of imaginary characters. Thus, I decided to draw a tower surrounded by hills in the far background. Above the tower, I placed a moon and sun on either side, developing an unrealistic aspect to the drawing. Another inspiration from Escher is portrayed through the creature sitting atop the tower. If you look closely, you may notice its resemblance to gothic gargoyles.

      After contemplating upon the drawing, the first step consisted of taping two pieces of paper to each side of the main piece. Next, a vanishing point was drawn on each paper, creating the necessary components for a two perspective drawing. Also, the far placement of each vanishing points helps in creating a better appearance. The effect of two vanishing points can be seen through the two vertical surfaces of the tower. After drawing each story of the tower, I used the vanishing points to create two flags sitting opposite of each other. After completing the drawing, I chose the sun on the right to be a light source for the drawing. Thus, the change of value can be seen through the darkness upon the left as opposed to the lightness on the right. The value, mythological creature, and unreal setting portray some aspects used by Escher in his long career of art.

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