Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pastel Still Life

      In this project, I had to create a still life pastel of an object of my choice. After much contemplation, I chose to draw three Campbell's mushroom soup cans. The first step was to find a composition. In order to do this, I did many thumbnail sketches. A thumbnail sketch is a very quick drawing of a composition that helps to show how a certain composition might look. Along with thumbnail sketches, I utilized a viewfinder for assistance. By looking through a viewfinder, one can see how different compositions will fit in a frame of reference. Finally, I chose a composition with two cans as a base for a third can on top.

      Next, I drew the contour of each of the cans by observing the actual cans as I drew. Each cylindrical shape was drawn lightly by a red pastel. After this, the details were placed upon each of the cans. After drawing a cutoff at the lid and bottom, the rest was colored red. Then, the label was drawn in with a blue and brown pastel, followed by the words "Great for Cooking" in white. Below this, the can was colored white and slowly blended with the red above. This creates proper value and a realistic blending of colors. To create a three dimensional aspect, the cans on the bottom faded into the background. Also, the lids were blended with blue and white to create a silver tint that was both realistic and three dimensional. Finally, I created a light source by making the right side of each can lighter than the left. Also, the cans were lighter in descending order from the right since the light source is closest there. As for the cast shadows, they were each slanted towards the left and darker at the base. By following these steps, I successfully finished a three dimensional still life pastel.

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